Friday, 14 November 2014

London Trip

I went to London in order to visit various galleries and exibitions. My friend and I visited the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the Photographers' Gallery and various independent galleries. 

In the Photographers' Gallery there was an exibition of Edward Steichen's work for Vogue and other fashion photography. 

His work is very striking and dramatic, which I like because it creates artwork with multiple purposes (to show garments and be interesting photos)

Visual Communications

By the end of the visual communications introduction this week I have become more aware of the different areas that make up visual communications - graphic design, illustration, and animation. I am also more aware of the uses of each different area, e.g. Illustration is used lots for children's books and graphic design is used for creating packaging.

I have been inspired by Sagmeister and Walsh's work which explored how text can be put on the body. I liked how they managed to create the impression of 2D flat text on a 3D surface.

I particularly enjoyed trying out illustration. Thinking about grounds and colour schemes, as well as using single line to draw with was interesting. Also it made me more confident to draw with ink and fine liner without having a pencil line guide first.

These are my finished pieces for the Visual Communications area: